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Panorama Newsletter


Dear Customers,

Finally visits to Tecniplast begin again! Waiting for your visit, we have prepared a nice surprise for you: we have bought the flags of your countries that we will hoist every time you come to visit us! With it we would like to share with you the identity, cohesion and belonging to a magical world like that of Lab Animal Science!

In fact, born in the military field, as a sign to distinguish one's troops from the enemy ones during battles, the flag carries with it the idea of   a group of men united by the same purpose or even by the same destiny.

Never like today have flags shared the same purpose as us and our customers. They are for everyone a powerful vehicle of emotions that arouse a feeling of common belonging. If until yesterday we made a square around our flag fighting the Covid Pandemic, today it is finally time to hoist the flags, ours and our customers’ who are finally starting to come back to visit us.

With the flags of our customers, of you, we want to indicate our symbolic relationship with you: our being on your side, at once anxious and confident as to your and our fate, identifying ourselves together with you. Never like today has the flag so faithfully registered this symbolic charge.

Once your flag is hoisted, we want to "keep it high" and for us "carry the flag high" is an expression rich in positive meanings: it means that we honour our customers, your activities, your scientific research activity, that has never been so important as today.

With the flags of our visiting customers, with your flags, we would like to give moral significance to the future.

Finally, we will always hoist the flag of our customers always in the middle of the Italian and European flags, almost as if it were escorted, billowing at the highest and most visible point, in front of our Training Center: it flutters above our heads, as if to say with pride "here are our customers: honour to our customers!”.

A flag means a lot even if it's just a piece of cloth; it communicates so much! In our case it means being one community with you and communicating with great pleasure that you are here with us again after as tough a period as this recent one!