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Creating a simulated natural environment for raising animals for observation or research is a mandatory strategy for any Facility and Lab around the world.

Temperature and humidity controlled rooms are commonly designed in order to achieve these targets as well as implementing complex Building Management System which can add the opportunity to control and manage animal room lights for instance.


But what about continuously monitoring these parameters?

Unfortunately it is not always so easy and automatic and lots of effort should be put in, to keep a constant monitoring of these parameters.

At the recent Felasa congress, Tecniplast just launched a simple but extremely powerful new product, called REM (Rack Environmental Monitoring system) that in conjunction with DVC®system, already installed on IVC or ISO cages, is capable of collecting several different environmental parameters directly at (DVC®and DVC®ISO).

Rack level, like:

  • Light (light/dark phases detection).
  • Noise (continuous measurement).
  • Vibration (event triggered by minimum threshold detection).
  • Temperature (continuous measurement).
  • Humidity (continuous measurement).
  • Human Presence (event triggered by human presence detection).

All these variables are of paramount importance for running experiments to add more insights and justifications for (un)usual animal behavior patterns.

This is the reason, the REM is immediately and strategically implemented on top of already installed DVC® systems. Adding this quality data to the activity data detected by the DVC® 24/7 can provide an inestimable power to the research!

Currently these collected environmental data are available in the DVC® Analytics platform for a deeper analysis and interpretation of the experiments, but even more opportunities to get these data will be available soon in other DIGILAB applications.

Giorgio Rosati – Digilab Market Manager