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We are proud to have achieved ISO 14001 certification. This confirms our dedication and commitment to promote responsible business and green economic growth.

We believe that a responsible green economy is the only way to meet the needs of the present and take care of the environment. We know that our future heavily depends on the health of our planet and we need to do our best to preserve it and ensure it for future generations.

This certification comes at the end of a journey marked by a series of objectives that we have successfully achieved and which we have fully embraced. The green soul of IWT touches every aspect of our business, as we strive to create manufacturing processes and products that represent ever greener solutions.

Our 2022 was full of results and achievements in energy savings and process optimisation. We have actively reduced our global carbon footprint through our widespread recycling initiatives and our commitment to preserving natural resources and fighting against negative impacts on climate change.

All the objectives, carefully achieved, allowed us to obtain the important ISO 14001:2015 certification, which is the right recognition of our commitment to reduce our impact on the environment, always continuing to provide the high quality solutions that our customers expect from us.