
What our clients think about the Emerald Line In-Richment...
// June, 2019

What our clients think about the Emerald Line In-Richment...

"Animals like the raised platform because it is positioned adjacent to two walls, underneath the bottle indentation - mice like squeezing - and behind the card holder: this created a comfortable, protected and neat zone"

"We believe it could be useful also during accidental floods, coming either from the bottle or the AWS, allowing mice to temporarily rescue, especially with partial floods, also for pups"

"We found the in-richment extremely useful to handle the cage through it"

A step forward in animal welfare in-bedded - A mouse cage + an enrichment device all in one! Along with the amazing feedback from customers, see below for some more features and benefits:

  • Increase animal welfare thanks to the raised section in-bedded in the EMERALD cage base that provides an area for resting, nest building, exploring, social contact and exercise
  • More reliable scientific outcomes as EMERALD promotes the expression of positive behaviour patterns
  • Minimises potential contamination: no need to purchase and separately process additional cage inserts

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