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Over the years, Risk Management has become increasingly fundamental for modern companies.

Therefore, Panorama wanted to ask Tecniplast's Roberto Crippa, one of the most important experts of Risk Management in Italy, what RM does for a company and how much is important.

Roberto, can you summarize what is Risk Management and the purpose of it?

Well, trying to answer in few words to such a complex question is a tough task! Putting it in a simple statement: “Risk Management is the capability of an Organization to ensure sustainable and long-lasting operations in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous business eco-system”. As such, Risk Management is a cornerstone attitude of a successful Enterprise, duly supported by robust and wellengrained methodologies. It is, above all, a mindset.

From your description we can see that Risk Governance is a must for a modern Company, especially if the Company acts in the LAS Arena.

Precisely. If we look at the last decade, many economic, social, technological, geo-political and health & safety disruptions have occurred. Some of them somehow predictable, many of them unpredictable.

You can’t avoid or predict any kind of risk. The key is being capable of proactively and thoroughly responding to potential risks, identifying and properly treating them. This is the very essence of Risk Governance.

Such is utmost true for Companies, like the ones operating in the LAS business, so strictly related to Human Health. It is not only business: it’s also an ethical and moral commitment.

Which documents must be present in a fullfledged Risk Management System?

In short:

  • A thorough Context Analysis of the business scenario, key processes, organization, stakeholders and Customer Value proposition.
  • A well-defined Risk Classification (Identification, occurrence likelihood and business, legal, and reputation impact) and Risk Register.
  • A complete and unambiguous Risk Management Methodology, known and understood by the whole Organization.
  • A robust Risk Management Policy, including risk treatment guidelines (i.e. what should be avoided, transferred, mitigated or accepted).
  • A structured Risk Management Plan and effectiveness assessment.

Moreover, a genuine Risk Management Framework is not simply about compliance to regulations and standards such the ISO9001:2015. Risk Management is a core and strategic process, regularly performed and updated by the whole Organization. If properly applied, Risk Management is not only protecting against unfavorable events: it’s also being prepared to exploit opportunities. In its general form, a “risk” can be termed as “a deviation from the expected”: not necessarily something bad, if you are well-prepared to cope with it!

Can you tell our readers the position of Tecniplast and their advantages to have suppliers with a complete Risk Management System?

Our Risk Management Framework fully adheres to the above: we see Risk Management as a key issue in our way of doing business and exhibiting the utmost attention to our Customers, Workers, as well as Suppliers.

Regarding the advantages, they are self-evident. As a matter of fact, we live in a worldwide interconnected Supply Chain: securing risk along this network is the best form of insurance for every Organization.

It is true for us as Customers of our upstream Supply Chain. It is true for our Downstream Supply Chain as well.