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Great interest on EAD® system and on Tecniplast Interceptor at Aalas

Sometimes the interest and the success of a seminar is indicated by the number of participants. If we count the number of people (more than 300) who participated at an outstanding Seminar at the last Aalas titled "A Review of International Rodent Sentinel Programs with a New Technical Focus", part of the Category: "Imagine, Invent, Improve, Inspire: Innovations in Laboratory Animal Care, we can state without hesitation that has been probably one of the most successful seminars never seen at Aalas!

The attention of the Audience was particularly sustained by the interest on the review from International case studies on how EAD sampling was being applied. The overall benefits and limitations were presented and discussed.

The first message that came across was how the incorporation of EAD testing in these international sentinel programs has greatly promoted achievement of the 3Rs in all areas (reduction, refinement and replacement). Speakers evaluated the needs, practicality, the obtained benefits, and the outcomes of EAD additions into sentinel programs in the research community. Both Mouse and Rat sentinel testings were analyzed with practical cases and discussed. Probably one of the most interesting case studies was a multicenter approach used for Italian, German and English facilities for testing at the rack level of sampling followed by a centralized level of sampling done in Canada. Individuals from different institutions presented their programs and how the incorporation of the EAD into their programs has altered their programs and their use of live sentinels. At the end of the Seminar the moderator managed very effectively a great number of questions and discussed the future of sentinel testing internationally.


Tecniplast together with Charles River played an important role in promoting and sustaining in a fantastic and complete way the interest of the Lab Animal Community on Exhaust Air Dust System during all 2017, organizing different workshops, presentation and webinars.

Some of the most successful 2017 events:

■  Monpellier (France) - December 8

■  Lasa Conference (UK) - November 28-30

■  The 7th Charles River Asia Short Course Conference, Beijing (China) -  November 1-2

■  Charles River Webinar on EAD system - June 21

■  The 6th Charles River Asia Short Course Conference Jinan, Shandong Province (China) - May 22; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province (China), May 25-26,

■  The 8th European Charles River Short Course on Laboratory Animal Science,  Berlin (Germany) - March

Those presentations covered health monitoring topics, including:

■  Tecniplast Interceptor system to airflow detection

■  Reducing the number of animals used and saving in terms of both costs and time

■  The science behind Exhaust Air Dust (EAD®) testing

Great participation and many interesting questions showed how many professionals are aware of this topic and have interest in understanding more on it. More news in 2018!

Leopoldo Zauner

Marketing Director