With an overpopulated planet, hungry for resources, sustainability will be one of the biggest challenges in the future.
Current production systems in some areas of the world, are causing serious environmental and human problems and cannot be sustained in a world with rising human aspirations. Going green isn’t just about saving the planet. With this in mind, Tecniplast has reconsidered all the production process, starting from the design phase of the products.
Designers and engineers in Tecniplast play an important role in this transition process towards a sustainable and smarter society with an improved "quality of life" and they can prove it with the new Emerald Cage. Designers at Tecniplast have done a fantastic job.
The results of the Emerald LCA study are extraordinary! As far as the Global Warming Potential is concerned the Emerald cage has a value with a reduction of 27% compared with the same impact category of any previous generation of cages; the reduction is due to the reduction of raw material consumption (i.e. Polysulfide amount in one cage), the manufacturing consumption of energy and other reductions in transport and packaging.
The benefits obtained for the transport are confirmed using the sensitivity analysis tool, but anyway it was intuitive, as the Emerald global dimensions are lower and using the same paperboard box it is possible to insert a higher number of Emerald components.
As regards the Abiotic Depletion (fossil fuels), the Emerald cage has 28.35% less than the same impact for previous cages’ generation. Again, the reason can be found in the raw material consumption reduction, and the reduced energy consumption and also, to a lesser degree, for the transport. As to the Acidification potential, the Emerald cage has 22.51%.
The results obtained are a demonstration of Tecniplast’s commitment to the highest standards of sustainability in order to ensure a real reduction in the impact category of their products, reducing the raw material consumption and reducing the impacts of any environmental impact category.
Tecniplast’s message to the animal laboratory facility researchers is “we take care of workers, animals and research, starting from a commitment to the Environment”.