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Validation process of a Prototype Plenum Attachment to be used in conjunction with the Interceptor filter for EAD-PCR testing in an IVC System with Centralized Ventilation
// June, 2017

Validation process of  a Prototype Plenum Attachment to be used in conjunction with the  Interceptor filter for EAD-PCR testing in an IVC System with Centralized Ventilation

An interesting poster has been presented at the recent CALAS Conference in CANADA.

The poster, authored by  Lise Phaneuf* & Brianna Attanasio*, describes the validation process of  a Prototype Plenum Attachment to be used in conjunction with the  Interceptor filter** for EAD-PCR testing in an IVC System with Centralized Ventilation.




The authors were able to:

- demonstrate that EAD testing can be performed on an IVC system that has centralized ventilation using a prototype plenum attachment and the rack sampling device Interceptor.

- show that EAD testing reliably identified MNV, Helicobacter, Pasteurella pneumotropica (Heyl and Jawetz), and Tritrichomonas as early as 7 days after exposure to colony cages.

- prove that EAD testing:

  • after 90 days of exposure to colony cages was consistent with their regular health monitoring program which uses a combination of sentinel mouse serology and direct animal sampling PCR analysis.
  • after 90 days of exposure to colony cages appeared to be slightly more sensitive than our regular program in detecting Pasteurella pneumotropica (Jawetz) and Entamoeba.

*RLAT, The Centre for Phenogenomics, Toronto, ON, Canada

**Tecniplasy, S.p.a, Buguggiate, Italy

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